Advertising Opportunities
SMA offers advertising through a partnership with our publisher, E&M Consulting, Inc. Click the link below to view rates and purchase an ad in one of SMA's publications or event app.

Membership Directory
The SMA Membership Directory is an indispensable tool for all industry professionals. Don’t miss out on an entire year’s worth of advertising and the opportunity to stand out from your competitors by promoting and enhancing your company’s listing!

MoverNEWS ENewsletter
MoverNEWS is a bi-weekly newsletter including industry news, association events, issues affecting members and more delivered right to your inbox! Showcase your company's products and services by placing your advertising in front of industry decision makers and other local member businesses. Now more than ever professionals consume information on the go and MoverNEWS allows members to stay informed about timely industry and association topics whether they are in the office or on the road!

SMA Event App
SMA has an event app! This mobile app showcases SMA Annual Conference, SMA members and advertisers—an indispensable tool for all users. Search for SMA in the Apple App Store or Google Play and download today!